Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rachel Morgan Finally Kisses Trent in Kim Harrison’s Pale Demon

Kim Harrison’s Pale Demon makes other paranormal series pale in comparison. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.

But really—just when I thought the series couldn’t get any better, Kim Harrison exceeds my expectations yet again. I just finished the novel after 48 frantic hours of virtually non-stop reading…I think I read the book in 3 sittings, to be honest. And I’ve reached three conclusions:

1. Kim Harrison is one of the best authors in paranormal fiction.

2. I was right about Rachel and Trent.

3. I can’t wait another year to find out what happens next!

Okay, I should probably warn you that there will be spoilers from this moment on.

This is my favorite book in the series so far. I’ve been reading this series for years, and with each new installation, I am amazed at how Ms. Harrison always keeps me guessing. Her books are action-packed with comedy relief usually provided by courtesy of Jenks. And there’s always just enough romance to keep me hooked.

For years, I’ve thought that Trent and Rachel would end up together. From the very beginning, the chemistry between them has been undeniable. Rachel’s first description of Trent demonstrates she is clearly attracted to him. Since then, we have seen their relationship develop slowly as situations have forced them to work together. Rachel even stopped Trent’s wedding…granted, she did it by placing the groom under arrest, but hey—whatever works, right? Another aspect of their relationship that I’ve enjoyed following is how they have slowly begun to be more comfortable around each other, particularly seen in the use of their first names.

In each new book, I hungrily skim for any kind of dialogue between Rachel and Trent. I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot with Pale Demon. The entire novel is about the development of their romance.

I know what you’re thinking. Rachel kisses a lot of people in this book, not just Trent. But I believe every single one of Rachel’s kisses in Pale Demon is just to get her one step closer to her relationship with Trent. I feel like all of Rachel’s past relationships have allowed her to grow and become the person who is right for Trent. They have not only taught her about heartbreak and relationships in general, but also to be open-minded and tolerant of the shades of grey. And anyone who is familiar with Trent will be able to acknowledge that many of his choices fall into that category. For Rachel to be able to accept Trent as he is—flaws and all—she must be able to embrace not only the good but also the bad in him. She wasn’t ready to do that when they first met as adults. In Pale Demon, she sees him as more than just a corrupt businessman…and that opens the door for a future relationship. She sees him in casual clothes. She sees him in vulnerable, life-threatening situations. And she sees him as a loving father, probably the most shocking of all.

Yet for Rachel to become available for a new relationship with Trent, many loose ends needed to be addressed. For starters, her relationship with Al needed to be defined. Who is stronger? Is there a possibility of a sexual relationship with Al? As a demon, Al can give Rachel the one thing other men in her life can’t—a child of her own. (I’m not sure if any of the other species can mix with Rachel). The kiss between Al and Rachel clearly shows that Rachel does not want to take their relationship to the next level, and she is very clear that the kiss is more of a power struggle than anything else.

Ivy was the next person to kiss Rachel. For several novels, Ivy’s unrequited love for Rachel has been the subtext of many scenes between them. Ms. Harrison finally gives Ivy closure with this tasteful goodbye kiss.

And then there was Pierce. He is Rachel’s first love, her very first crush. We all know how those are…our newly discovered feelings overshadow everything negative about our crush. We are blind to the flaws and only see the good in them. For a while, Rachel was blind when it came to Pierce. Yet when Rachel prevents Pierce from killing Al, she quickly realizes that Pierce does not belong on that proverbial pedestal. When Pierce gives Rachel that peck on the lips before vowing to help her, she seems shocked that he is kissing her. She can’t quite forgive him for not living up to her expectations. I believe she had already written him off from the moment she saw him about to kill Al. That relationship was doomed from the start. (Come on! He was a ghost!) However, Pierce taught Rachel a powerful lesson. She was able to recognize that Pierce was a black witch, using black magic to kill. This was her first step in acceptance of her own situation. If Pierce was a black witch, did that mean she was a black witch too? Later, she learns that she has a power only possessed by female demons, and she is quick to accept the new role. She has no problem labeling herself as a demon, and I believe her relationship with Pierce played a large part in her character’s development.

Now that Al, Ivy, and Pierce are no longer contenders for Rachel’s heart, what other problems stand in her potential relationship with Trent? The main problem is that Trent does not fit into Rachel’s life. For instance, Jenks hated him. Well, Ms. Harrison fixed that during the road trip. Jenks spent so much time with Trent that they are now potential work buddies! And did you notice how Ivy subtly keeps leaving Trent and Rachel alone towards the end of the book, as if to say “I approve!” First, Ivy leaves them alone at the hospital, and then again during the final kitchen scene…oh, and the kitchen! I must mention the kitchen. It seems fitting that Ms. Harrison chose the kitchen as the location for Trent and Rachel’s first kiss. It is the place where Rachel feels most at home, and most comfortable. Ah, their first kiss…didn’t you just love it?

I could not have envisioned a more perfect first kiss for Rachel and Trent. First of all, the fact that they were forced into it was just hilarious. Trent’s obvious reluctance—how he researched all other options—was just adorable. I also loved her initial reaction and how insulted Trent is that she isn’t willing to kiss him to save her life! Rachel quickly clears up that misunderstanding, but the beginning is awkward as Rachel is not allowing herself to enjoy it. Yet she can’t resist running her fingers through his hair…she’s wanted to do that for years, she confesses. And then she lets go of her inhibitions...and the fairly tale kiss wakes her up. At first when she awakes, she is furious that the moment wasn’t private between them, as Ivy and Jenks were both present. It takes her a while to realize that she owes her life to Trent and that she has no reason to be upset. To be honest, it seems like Rachel is embarrassed to be caught kissing Trent, as if they had walked into a secret fantasy of hers. But the truth is that regardless of Ivy and Jenks’ presence, Trent was actually there, so the moment was not exactly as private as a secret fantasy. I think she was really upset over the fact that there were other witnesses because now she couldn’t pretend that the kiss never happened…which is what she actually ends up doing anyway during that last scene in the kitchen.

The final kitchen scene was a pivotal moment for Rachel and Trent. Trent can’t seem to let go of Rachel’s presence in his life and, baby and all, uses a flimsy excuse to stick around. It’s interesting that he sits down in Ivy’s chair—obviously symbolic of the shift in focus from Ivy to Trent in the series. It takes a while for Rachel to acknowledge his presence in her kitchen, dealing first with other issues while Trent patiently waits for her to be ready to talk to him. Ivy conveniently leaves the church, and for an instant, I was hopeful that this would be the beginning of a beautiful romantic scene, since they are pretty much home alone. Trent brings up the kiss…and I could almost kill Rachel for her reaction…trying to pretend it was nothing, so of course Trent retreats. It takes Rachel a while to realize what Trent and the readers of the book have figured out a long time ago: Trent liked the kiss…and if Rachel is honest…so did she!

The book ends with a hopeful note of the possibilities in the future for Rachel and Trent, not only of romance but also of family with Lucy. Knowing Rachel, it may take several more books for her to develop that kind of relationship with Trent, as well as to finally discover her own identity in the process.

Overall, I highly recommend Pale Demon and all the previous Rachel Morgan novels by Kim Harrison. I am wholeheartedly grateful to Kim Harrison for the many, wonderful hours I have spent lost in the world of the Hollows!

Here’s my twist on the classic favorite:

Rachel and Trent

Sitting in a kitchen


First comes love

Then comes a road trip

Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!

Okay, it doesn’t rhyme, but it was fun!

Happy reading,


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eugenia Hope Awards in Paranormal Literature

And the Eugenia Hope Awards in Paranormal Romance Literature go to…in no particular order:

There is nothing mundane about the amazing world Cassie has dreamed up for Clary and Jace; her days writing Draco fanfiction may be over, but we still love her grasp of the teenage psyche.

Laurell K. Hamilton – Anita Blake Series
Category: My Favorite Obsession Award
No matter how inconsistent the writing may be, our love for Jean-Claude, Richard, and Anita will never end…

Sherrylyn Kenyon – Dark Hunter Series
Category: Best Story Background Award
Greek mythology in the context of the war between Daimons and Dark Hunters was a stroke of genius that creates a unique background that is both captivating and memorable…not to mention characters like Acheron!

J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter
Category: Classics Award
This highly popular series of an average boy who was actually a wizard has been immortalized into both books and movies, and made several generations of children (and adults) pick up a book “for fun” for the first time in their lives. In my opinion, it’s already a classic.

Jeaniene Frost – Vampire Huntress Series
Category: Best Vampire Hunter Award

Cat may be half-vampire, but she uses her supernatural gifts to hunt the one thing she was taught to hate: vampires. She knows how to lure them in, and then strikes when they least expect it. What happens when she meets Bones, the one vampire she can’t best? The love between Cat and Bones is just the kind of love we all envision—and keeps us wanting more! If Alias had a vampire equivalent, this would be it.

Katie MacAlister – Ailing Grey, Green Dragons Series
Category: Most Original Paranormal Characters
A sexy dragon in human form! A demon dog as comedic relief! Need I say more? Aisling Grey is a Guardian/demon lord/wyern’s mate all-in-one, and her story into the Otherworld is one of the funniest, laugh-out-loud paranormal series out there. Who knew dragon fire could be so hot?

Mary Janice Davidson – Undead Series
Category: Most Entertaining Award
Though light on plot, this series is a funny, light read that will brighten your day. Betsy Taylor will charm her way into your heart with her love for shoes, and Eric Sinclair will leave you sizzling! (And in my opinion, Eric Sinclair is the perfect name for a hot, masculine vampire).

Lynsay Sands – Argeneau Family Series
Category: Great Expectations Award
Always romantic and entertaining, with this author your expectations are always met.

Kim Harrison – Rachel Morgan Series
Category: Excellence Award
Great writing, interesting and varied characters, and an original paranormal alternate reality—this series has it all. My favorite aspect of the series is the character development, which makes it the number one reason I keep coming back for more. As Rachel begins to live in the shades of gray, will it lead her eventually to Trent? Maybe that’s what makes this bad boy (or elf) so intriguing—can he be redeemed in Rachel’s eyes?

Before the HBO phenomenon, there were the books…and while each one has a different story to tell, they all have one thing in common: the climax is unbelievably good. Sookie may be a pretty, Southern girl, but she always comes through for her favorite vampires no matter the occasion or threat, anything from bombs to amnesia…she’s your girl.

Stephenie Meyer – Twilight Saga
Category: Best Love Story Award
The most captivating love story of our time has captured the hearts of any female who has actually read the books, not to mention created a whole culture of Twihard fans, a movie saga, and an unprecedented preoccupation in the hearts of teenage girls worldwide…Team Edward or Team Jacob?

These are just some of my favorites…have I missed any of yours? Let me know!



Sunday, December 6, 2009

What's a Digital Reader?

What’s a digital reader? You’d be surprised just how many electronics store employees have asked me that very question.

Before we get to analyzing literature, there’s something I have to explain.

I have a very extensive book collection. I’ve been buying books ever since I made my first dollar. I cringe when I think about all the money I’ve spent on books over the years. I’ve also been very lucky; I grew up in a region of the US with the most amazing public library resources. Yet I still bought any books that became favorites. For me, it’s more entertaining to read a book you’ve already enjoyed in the previous years than read a new book that is just okay.

So my main problem in the past has been that I own too many books…and the problem kept getting worse, not better. I kept running out of places to put them all, so then I started buying bookcases. Unfortunately, there came a point that I had bookcases in every room of the house, and it wasn’t even my house, but my parents’ house. Their place has been the one constant in my life, since I personally have moved more times than I can count.

So I started stashing books in the closets and in the attic, where it wasn’t so obvious. Out of sight, out of mind, right? But I didn’t want my books to get ruined with all the humidity, so I started buying plastic containers for my beloved books (think Monk…I also hate when paperback books have bent spines).

This helped temporarily until one day my mother opened the door to a seldom-used closet in the study and found that the wall behind the closet door was covered in Buffy books from floor to ceiling. I really didn’t think she’d ever look behind the door, but apparently, that wasn’t the important point.

It was time to face my problem.

And then, as fate would have it, I was flipping through channels on my TV and happened to catch the episode where Oprah is introducing this amazing little gadget called a digital reader. It was so exciting! All your books in this one little rectangle the size of a paperback! No more hardback books falling on my head as I tried to read while lying down! (You’d be surprised how much that hurts). No more extra weight from books in my suitcase when I traveled! And best of all, they took up NO space! It was the perfect solution.

So like any good little nerd, I Googled and did an online search on which digital reader was best for me. The two most popular at the moment are the Amazon Kindle and the Sony. After conducting my research project, I decided the Sony Digital Reader was the right choice for me. I knew I’d be traveling abroad a lot, and the wireless downloading application for the Kindle only works inside the US. Also, I was told that the Sony supported a larger variety of file formats, including PDF. I could put all my medical textbooks in there. I was sold!

Then I looked at the price—$300 !!!

The book lover in me keep saying: “Think of all the books you could buy for $300!” So I put off buying one…until my circumstances changed. I’d be moving to a God-forsaken island in the middle of nowhere, and I wouldn’t be able to bring my beloved books. I can live without a lot of things; I can make sacrifices. Really, I can. But what if I suddenly got a craving for Jean-Claude? Or I had a bad day and needed the wit of MaryJanice Davidson to see me through? What would I do then?

So I marched myself over to Circuit City. Turns out that they had closed for good sometime when I hadn’t been paying attention between the holidays and exams. Then I tried Best Buy. And you know what they said to me? They said, “What’s a digital reader?”

The thing is I live in a city that didn’t have Starbucks until after I came back from college a few years ago. So imagine that if Best Buy, the largest electronics store in town, didn’t have it, what were the chances some other store would have it? I tried anyway, to no avail.

You’re probably wondering why I didn’t order one online. I was very tempted, but I have this personal rule that I don’t order electronics online. It’s left over from my days as a pro seller and buyer on Ebay and living some experiences that are hard to forget. So now I don’t order electronics online. Ship to store is okay, as long as there’s an actual store where you can return it if something goes wrong.

Anyways, the date was approaching for my departure, and I still couldn’t find a digital reader. I kept going back to Best Buy over the months because the manager kept telling me that it was coming soon. Each time I went to the store, I had to give the employees a definition of a digital reader. Each time, they looked at me like I was crazy.

Then one day after I had given up hope, I found it at Target. Yes, TARGET of all places. Who would have thought?

Of course, I bought one. Here it is:

My Sony Digital Reader has 173 books on it at the moment. I’ve already put an 8GB SD card in it because I’ve run out of memory on the device itself. There are still so many other favorites I need to upload. I’ve also put my all my mp3s on there. So now my reader has books and music. I never thought I’d say this, but my iPod is now obsolete.

I’m currently living happily ever after on a tropical island with my digital reader.


PS. As of the last time I checked two months ago, my local Best Buy in the US was still promising the reader would be out soon…who knows? Maybe by the next time I go home they’ll have the next generation out…I hear they’ve got touch screens and built-in lights now…

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Help! I'm stuck on a deserted island!

If you were stuck on a deserted island with only your digital reader to entertain you, what e-books would you take with you?

That’s not a hypothetical question. I really want to know.

Yes, that’s me, stuck on the tropical island pictured on the right with nothing to do except revisit my favorite Paranormal Romance novels on my Sony Digital Reader.

I know what you are thinking…but it’s not like I can spend the entire day outside on the beach, even if it is only one block away…one day on the beach and I’m already beet red and my skin’s peeling for an entire week. Plus I have these medical school classes to attend, and for some weird reason, they’re mandatory.

So between the dry medical texts and my adventures avoiding skin cancer, my main form of entertainment is reading, particularly Paranormal Romances.

I know you might not understand how a person with several college degrees that has attended universities ranging from prestigious ivy-league schools to ivy-league wannabes to state schools that can’t possibly begin to compete with the former (or with the latter, for that matter), could possibly be interested in something so…trivial as Paranormal literature.

It’s all Buffy’s fault. And possibly Angel’s fault, too. I could just blame Joss Whedon’s wit and genius in general.

First, there was Harry Potter. In my defense, I was an avid reader B.H.P. (Before Harry Potter). And then there was more: I discovered the classics. No, not those classics. I fell in love with what I consider to be the Paranormal Classics: Anita, Sookie, Acheron, Betsy, Aisling, Bella & Edward, etc.

Unfortunately, I’m the kind of person with a vivid imagination who doesn’t like to wait for the next installment in a series. I’ve also been gifted (or cursed, depending how you look at it) with the superpower of lightning-fast reading abilities.

So I’m always looking for something new to read. However, I’m very picky about the quality of my reading material—it has to strike me as interesting, because once I start a book, I always finish it. Always, no exception.

And I never cheat; I don’t ever skip to the end of a book to read the ending. I just can’t do it. Even when I went through my Agatha Christie phase I never peaked at the end. The fun part was trying to figure out who had done it, and if I looked, I was cheating myself out of the whole experience. Hence, I read the entire book from beginning to end, sometimes in one sitting, depending on the length of a particular book.

The truth is that I spend so much of my time escaping to these fantasy worlds that sometimes they invade my everyday life. It doesn’t happen very often, but when I have to wait too long between books in a series, and I’m emotionally invested in the characters, sometimes my imagination runs wild. I have no choice but to daydream endings for books with cliffhangers, and a couple of times these alternate fictional realities end up as stories on fanfiction sites under the name Eugenia Hope. I've written fanfiction stories about Anita Blake and Harry Potter, in addition to some original works. The problem is that I can think a lot faster than I can write…and the rigidity of the writing never matches the adventurous quality of my mind.

I’ve decided to do this blog to try to pass the time writing about those classics I’ve enjoyed so far, and hopefully, many more to come. If you have any favorites, please feel free to post a comment and recommend them!

I appreciate any constructive criticism you may have, but when posting a comment, please remember to be respectful of the books and the authors you are discussing. Any comments regarding movies or TV series are welcome, as long as they pertain to the literature and you have read the books. As a golden rule, most books are better than their Hollywood portrayals, so bear that in mind as well.

I hope you enjoy this blog, and I wish happy reading to you all!
